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Cancellations are sometimes unavoidable, however there are usually expenses associated with cancelling an order because they are often very time consuming and may require extensive negotiations, both with you the customer, and the factory. However we try to be as fair as possible to all parties when this occurs by following the industry standards below:

If you need to cancel an order for any reason, use the following guidelines for determining the possible charges associated with the order that you may be responsible for, depending on the stage of production the order is in at the time of cancellation:

Cancellations after imprinting begins:
If you cancel an order after imprinting has begun, you are still responsibe for the total amount of the order and it will be shipped to you as if it had not been cancelled. This is regared as a completed order.

Cancellations during production:
If you cancel an order after production has begun, but before the final imprinting stage, you are responsible for all charges incurred to date, such as artwork, film, plates, screens, factory cancellation charges, etc., plus 30% of the total product order. If your order required artwork that we prepared, you are responsible for paying the full value of the artwork as stated on your confirmation or quote correspondence.

Cancellations prior to production:
If you cancel an order before it goes into production, but after the order has been written and/or artwork has been prepared, you are responsible for the value of the artwork as noted on your quote or confirmation plus a $50.00 cancellation fee.

Cancellations prior to order & art prep:
There is no charge if you cancel an order before it goes into production, and before the order or the artwork has been prepared.

Cancellations involving restocking:
If you cancel an order that includes shipping product from a manufacturing or other source to a third party production facility, such as shipping apparel from a mill to an embroiderer or screen printer, you are responsible for all of the shipping that is incurred in the process, plus a possible restocking fee of up to 20%. In addition, you are responsible for all costs stated in the above paragraph, "cancellations during production".

Cancellations are no fun for anyone involved, however we always work to try to keep cancellation charges to a minimum. Realistically, everyone involved will lose money in most cancellation cases. Maintaining fairness to everyone involved is the most productive course. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the above, your customer service representative will be happy to go over them with you. Please ask.

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